How to Create a Gallery Wall
Art and photography are like icing on the cake. Using them in your home can enhance its features, like the colour on the wall, a dynamic shelving unit or spice up an unused corner. The versatility give your home a finished look and can show your personality. When you consider to fill your wall with art, you may want to consider a photo gallery wall.
Nowadays, we take thousands of photos on our phones, or you may even have a professional or mid level DSLR. You’re likely used to posting it all on social media, but ask yourself…now that the digital world is so prevalent, how many of the thousands of photos do you look back on, or have printed in your home? We love the idea of printing and exposing your work so you can fill your home with not only beautiful memories, but also wonderful art.
What is a gallery wall?
A gallery wall is a space in a home where an assortment of photos, and artwork are positioned on a wall, in a group. This grouping of photos can range from as little as six to as many fit on the wall! The arrangement can be linear, and have two or three identically sized photos, in rows of three or four and all evenly spaced. This is just one of the many different styles of gallery walls. Here are 5 ways you can create this modern look in your home.
Gallery Shelf
A gallery shelf is a type of photo gallery where photos are lined up on a shelf. There can be one shelf or a few shelves all with sporadic artwork or photos. The sizes and frames do not have to be the same, however there is something to be said about a cohesive unity between all of them. A gallery shelf is a great way to display family photos where guests (or you!) in the home would take time to review and admire your fondest memories.
Shelf Gallery Wall, Source: Youtube
Shelf Gallery, Source: Decornet
Stairwell Gallery Wall
The stairwell gallery wall is exactly that! This is when you would place a gallery wall, going up or down a staircase in the home. Artwork is almost always positioned on an upward, or downward diagonal. If you are using photos on the stairs to a basement you would arrange the photos on a downward slant. Alternatively, if you are placing them on a main to top floor staircase (going up), you would position the photos on an upward diagonal.
Stairwell Gallery, Source: HomePolish
Corner Gallery
A corner gallery can be tricky, but is a great way to add colour, and life to a blank corner. This gallery can be created by wrapping the cluster of artwork around a corner wall. Be careful to leave adequate spacing if you’re adding a gallery wall to a high traffic area of the home. The extra space would ensure that nothing gets knocked over if anyone turns a corner too fast!
Corner Gallery, Source: Shelterness
Traditional Gallery
The most popular gallery walls come in two main patterns. They are arranged like even one that we mentioned earlier, or a traditional, uneven one. The even gallery wall contains several even rows with the same number of columns as rows in identical sized frames. In this style you would never mix black and white with colour photos. Keeping all frames consistent ensures that this specific look remains polished and timeless.
Traditional Gallery, Source:
When most people think of a traditional gallery wall, they think of this style. Many photos, coupled with varying artworks, perhaps graphics, photos and paintings all grouped together in different size, shape and style of frames. This look has become increasingly popular in modern interior design. You likely will find this style on a large wall with a sofa in front. These are generally statement walls in communal spaces like living rooms.
Traditional Gallery Wall, Source: Shelterness
Collage Gallery
Although not as popular, another style of gallery is the collage wall. This would include many photos and they all get grouped together with no space in between. Ideally this type of wall is either all black and white, or all colour, but depending on the room design, a mixture of both may work.
Collage Gallery, Source: Pinterest
What do you put in gallery wall photos?
Now for the million dollar question. What do you put in a gallery wall? Photos may be framed, printed on canvas, or even printed on metal plates. Styles like the collage can be made into wallpaper that fits the entire wall, or printed on glass and used as a closet door! (Follow our instagram for those ideas! @ammoderninteriors)
Adding a personal touch to your gallery wall
If you have kids, it's no doubt they come home with beautiful works of art on a daily basis. So why not add this personal touch to your home. My kids have grown so fast and I love to keep and capture beautiful moments with them, and their artwork. In my home I created two galleries. One has many important memories for all to see, and the second is in a more private space that is visible to family members only.
The important moments I hung in my living room and the private space is reserved for all those embarrassing photos- like the wacky faces, or tongue sticking out when someone got caught off guard. When I have a bad day I love to grab my coffee (or glass of wine) and lighten my day by looking at those memories. Not only does it allow me to disconnect from everything but teaches my kids that we don’t always have to be so serious!
Now that you know about all the styles of gallery walls, what are you going to put in your wall? You’re the artist, have fun with it! Tag us on Instagram with your gallery wall designs for a chance to be featured!